series created by Terri Minsky.
minsky, terri
jones, jasmine
walt disney enterprises
bargiel, jeremy j
bargiel, nina g
adapted by jasmine jones ; based on the series created by terri minsky ; part one is based on a teleplay written by melissa gould. part two is based on a teleplay written by jeremy j. bargiel and nina g. bargiel
adapted by jasmine jones ; based on the series created by terri minsky ; part one is based on a teleplay written by douglas tuber and tim maile. part two is based on a teleplay written by nina g. bargiel and jeremy j. bargiel
adapted by jasmine jones ; based on the series created by terri minsky ; part one is based on a teleplay written by nina g. bargiel & jeremy j. bargiel ; part two is based on a teleplay written by douglas tuber & tim maile
adapted by kirsten larsen ; based on the series created by terri minsky ; part one is based on a teleplay written by nina g. bargiel and jeremy j. bargiel ; part two is based on a teleplay written by alison taylor
adapted by leslie goldman; based on the series created by terri minsky
based on the series created by terri minsky
copyright paperback collection (library of congress)
goldman, leslie
gould, melissa
gould, melissa,
larsen, kirsten
series created by terri minsky
taylor, alison
tuber, douglas