University of Illinois Press
art institute of chicago,
kinderman, william
(英)哈里·柯林斯(h. m. collins)著
741224c18889999iluqr1p 0 a0eng
american folklore society
berg, steve
bertrand, pascal-franrçis,
bois, yve-alain
brosens, koenraad
christiansen, keith
daniel t. rogers
edited by helena simonett
edited by matthew s. witkovsky ; with an appreciation by yve-alain bois and contributions by staff and alumni of the art institute of chicago and the school of the art institute of chicago
edited by rebecca j. long ; with essays by keith christiansen, richard l. kagan, guillaume kientz, rebecca j. long, felipe pereda, josé riello, and leticia ruiz gómez and contributions by jena k. carvana
forrest stuart
gann, kyle,
grand palais (paris, france),
grande, lance,