Science research associates ,
031212c19229999xxumu u0 1 1eng d
160225c19569999ukuwu o u0 1 1eng d
ac196c9999usuqu qr pd u0 #01eng dyy
adler, mortimer jerome,
alfred herrhausen gesellschaft f��r internationalen dialog,
american finance association
author and consultant, david willey, curator, the tank museum, bovington, uk ; main contributor, ian hudson, research assistant ; photographer, matt sampson
burdett, richard,
butor, michel
by patrice cassedy
c19309999usueu o u0 1eng d
c19469999usubu o u0 1 1eng d
cassedy, patrice
chapman, elwood n
department of economics
elwood n.chapman
encyclopaedia britannica, inc
fadiman, clifton,
goetz, philip w