Pleasant Company Publications,
tripp, valerie,
holabird, katharine
mcaliley, susan,
by valerie tripp ; illustrations, walter rane ; vignettes, susan mcaliley
craig, helen,
rane, walter,
story by katharine holabird ; illustrations by helen craig
american girl
american girl ; [illustrations, casey lukatz]
andreasen, dan
backes, nick,
based on the stories by katharine holabird ; based on the illustrations by helen craig
bendell, norm,
bourget, geri strigentz,
by brooks whitney ; [illustrated by geri strigenz bourget]
by megan shull
by nancy holyoke ; illustrated by scott nash
by rick walton ; illustrated by lori osiecki
by valerie tripp ; illustrations, dan andreasen ; vignettes, susan mcaliley
by valerie tripp ; illustrations, nick backes ; vignettes, susan mcaliley